Driving home from a church thing tonight, my wife told me of a family friend who died over the weekend. The friend who entered in to the big sleep, had the same cancer I had at the same time. I had actually met him while awaiting chemo once. At saying this she started to (not) cry. And I was struck at how I did not know her story of survival.
I realize that this blog only tells my side of things. How I survived. But it cannot tell her side. It cannot convey her fears or hopes. It can only show me how much stronger she is than I. I now understand that it is much easier to be the one going through it, than the one watching it.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Two Sides to Every Story.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Spot On Product Placement!
Even if you're not a BSG (Battlestar Galatica) fan you'll find this funny. Unless you're not evil like me.
Warning It's a bit gruesome.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Fog Is Rolling In
It's been a while since the last real post. Mainly because with the final surgery so far off the direction of the blog needs to change. But to what?
Well people always say write what you're passionate about. Currently I'm all about the goals I have for 09'. Now that I have beat death again, the wife and I are focusing on the finances to get a bigger house so that toward the end of the year we can start a family. But not before the surgery in July. So that's like four big things this year. Bills, House, Surgery, Baby! What do they say, "Go Big."
What this all means is that the blog could get really mundane with the day to day of these goals, and the posts may get further and further apart. I still plan on posting, but how often and what direction is still foggy.