The Editor Has Quit!

Yes the wife can't stands it anymore and has resigned her post as editor.
So if you find a typo that really bugs you send and email or comment.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Woz the Creator.

I'm the type of person who doesn't often remember my dreams. So when I do it probably means something.

Last nights dream started with me walking into my house to find my iBook in peaces all over the living room floor. As I surveyed the damage, I heard a familiar voice coming from the bathroom that said, "I hope you don't mind, I just wanted to know if it had the 476 chip in it (I have no clue what that means this is a dream remember)."

Instantly I knew who it was and was speechless as they came around the corner with a piece of the computer in his hand. It was Steve Wozniac, the creator of Apple! We began to talk about the computer and what parts I thought it need and what parts he thought is need. He assured me that all it needed was the 476 chip and that the CD drive and Ethernet port were obsolete.

I then found myself using my iBook and it was running better than it had ever before. I couldn't get over the fact that the creator of Apple not only had been to my home but had fixed my computer and made it better! And this is when I woke up.

This dream struck me as so odd that in my half awake state I ask what is the significance? And a small still voice said, "Well if you replace Woz with God and the iBook with your body, isn't that kind of what has happened?" He's right! God showed up one day and fixed my body. I may not have all my original parts and my body may not work the same way it did when I was born. But it works better now then it has ever. Isn't that the point of divine healing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bro that is pretty powerful. Even beyond physical healing it reaches into the spirtual healing that we recieve. How much extra crap do we try to do in our lives? Things that we think get us closer to the goal or closer to God. We fill our lives with "good deeds" or "going to church" or so much other crap when all we really need to work right and work at full capacity is chip 476...or in this case Christ. When we stop focusing on all the crap we stuff our mind and heart with and remember that the only thing we require is Christ, we can run so much better.