The Editor Has Quit!

Yes the wife can't stands it anymore and has resigned her post as editor.
So if you find a typo that really bugs you send and email or comment.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Where We Headed Now Boss?

One thing I have been meaning to talk about, but have only tuched on in prior post, is following God. The church I go to calls it "Being a fully devoted follower of Christ," but that's a little wordy, so following God.

The Bible says it's that still small voice, which is what psychology deems classic schizophrenia (responding to an internal stimuli). So I'm psychotic, and so are most Christians. The best example of this, besides David Koresh who may have not been listening to God very well, is when I went back to collage.

I had quite school when I was 21 because at the time I was dealing with dieing (liver problems). This resulted in the loss of funding and me having to get a full time job. I went back when I was 26 not only because my health was better and I had funding, but also because God had put it in my heart to go back. I wholly believe that God had arranged everything in my life so that I had no other choice but to go back to school.

Now granted I could have chosen not to go, but that would have left a bigger hole in my life then when I did not have God. That experience taught me that I could trust God but also that He truly wanted me to be happy. And it's a great feeling to set my heading and know that God will get me there!

1 comment:

Roger Garrett said...

Man and I thought my student loans were a Bit$%.