The Editor Has Quit!

Yes the wife can't stands it anymore and has resigned her post as editor.
So if you find a typo that really bugs you send and email or comment.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I'm going to let you in a little secret, I don't feel nor have ever felt guilty for my relationship with God. What I mean is that for some reason I have never felt unworthy of His love for me. I keep getting this sense that Christians see their relationship with God as a burden or as never measuring up to His grace. It's not that I don't understand the whole by faith in Christ and not by our works thing, I get that and believe it.

I think it goes back to being one of His chosen people. Hebrews have had a longer time to understand their relationship with God and accept it (though they have gotten something majorly wrong). I can't help but feel a sense of entitlement for His love.

See I don't think you can accurately describe or express a relationship based on love by using guilt. I think we Christians miss the point about measuring up, it's about where our focus is. Do we feel guilty of God's grace or joyful that we are entitled to it as children?

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