The Editor Has Quit!

Yes the wife can't stands it anymore and has resigned her post as editor.
So if you find a typo that really bugs you send and email or comment.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Green Genes!

Where to start....

Ok! So there are no cancer genes, but there are gene mutations that we know will cause colon cancer. And we know that these mutations can be passed on. Also, the test for these mutations is very expensive, so they don't like doing it without good reason.

In my case my family history lends itself to the possibility that I have this mutation. However, because of the liver disease and the ulcerated colitis, I would have gotten colon cancer without having the mutation. So the question becomes does any one in my family and near generations have or had a specific type of colon cancer. Well my dad is out no colon issues there and since he was adopted, that's a dead end. My Papa on my moms side died of colon cancer with mets to the liver back in 82' and both of her brothers have had polyps. So there might be some genes here.

The gene lady asked if we could get the path report for the uncle who doesn't liver here and if that showed pre cancer polyps we would do the test. Well the path report is in and no pre cancer. So as I said I have Green Genes!

Oh! You can't pass on colitis but the liver disease hereditary but there is a slim chance of that. That means as long as the swimmers are still good, we'll be makin babies.