The Editor Has Quit!

Yes the wife can't stands it anymore and has resigned her post as editor.
So if you find a typo that really bugs you send and email or comment.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Don't Panic

I often think if we retitled the Bible to "Don't Panic" more people would read it. I say this because for me, one of the most useful aspects of the Bible is not panicking.

For an example, this weekend I did something to my ankle. I don't know what but by Monday it was about the size of a baseball (that's big for my 160 lbs frame). It didn't hurt but there was some bruising. So I called up my chemo guy, because of the whole blood thing, and he ordered a Doppler (it's an ultrasound for your leg). In which they found nothing. Now I didn't panic because I've read the book. With all the other crap going on I had every right to act like my mother at a clearance sale.
Even the technician performing the Doppler found it amazing how calm I was with all that I've been through.

In the end the answer to the quest why don't you/we/I panic is because God is always there and it is real easy to stay calm knowing that.

So in the middle of all your crisisies remember "Don't Panic" and bring a towel.


Roger Garrett said...

and bring a towel? I understood every word until that part. I guess I will just have to take you well educated word about panic situations and bring a towel next time.

noyb said...

Read Hitchhickers Guide by Douglas Adams.

Anonymous said...
