The Editor Has Quit!

Yes the wife can't stands it anymore and has resigned her post as editor.
So if you find a typo that really bugs you send and email or comment.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Basics: Whom I Are.

I think my high school English teacher just died. The next couple of post are going to be a theme on the basic concepts I've come to understand about the Bible. I'm doing this partly because of the Swiss cheese in my head and in hopes that it will help others in their understanding of God. So...

To start I had to know what I was. I know I am a human man, but I mean what God made me. Luckily He states this in the first two chapters of the first book. How cool is that it's on page one and two! Genesis 1:27 says that He created us in his image and further on Genesis 2:7 God explains that we were formed of dust and He breathed life into us. So what is his image? It took a while but I found that in John 4:24, He is spirit. What the heck, we are spirit but we have a body and a soul (because of the breath of life)?

I got the body and soul thing, I mean I think therefore I am and if I get cut I bleed. But what is this spirit thing? I decided I would reread the beginning again and see if anything else had these three things. Well Genesis 1:1-23 is all about the earth, light, water, and plants. Nothing with spirit so far, stuff came from the earth (like the dust we are made of) but no spirit. Genesis 1:24-25 talks about living creatures (souls) and how they came from the earth also, but no spirit. It's not till Genesis 1:26 that God lays out His plan to make us in His image (spirit) and He also planed for us to have dominion over everything on the earth, so we would need a body and probably the breath of life (soul) for that body.

The basics of what God made me (us) is 1: in His image (Spirit), 2: of the dust of the ground (Body), and 3: breath of life making a living soul (Soul). The only thing in creation with these three distinct parts!

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