The Editor Has Quit!

Yes the wife can't stands it anymore and has resigned her post as editor.
So if you find a typo that really bugs you send and email or comment.

Monday, December 3, 2007

At least 100 People and No One Said a Thing?

ACIPHEX! Let my say that again A** EFFECTS!

I don't know if you guys have seen the commercial yet, but this is a real drug for heart burn and they call it A** EFFECTS! Here's the website

So my question is: at least 100 people knew of the name before it was released and no one said something like, "Um guys, are we sure A** EFFECTS is a good name for heartburn medication. Couldn't some infer that that is a side effect of the medication?"

In closing I have to say, thank you A** EFFECTS people with out you the world would be much less funny.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I heard of the same thing, it was just for gay toys and assless chaps. I wonder if it's the same marketing department who just ran out of time. "Um... that worked for the last client. Here, use this portfolio."