The Editor Has Quit!

Yes the wife can't stands it anymore and has resigned her post as editor.
So if you find a typo that really bugs you send and email or comment.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Chemo's like a Numb Tung!

This is the first break in the story time line, I have to get this out now, so don't feel bad if you have no Idea what's going on, just know I am on chemo.

I'm in the middle of the first round and well it's like having a bad day. I'm not really sick but I have heart burn, nausea and am starving. My knee is killing me, I slept for nine hours and I'm still tired, and I'm edgy. So it's like a bad day.

They started yesterday with putting me on a three hour drip. They use a port that was put in on Monday, and the freeze it until its numb the stick the needle in. I wasn't numb and every one heard it. Then the worn you about this side effect that you have to avoid cold for 3 to 5 days. Huh! Well I can't even eat cold stuff, so every thing has to be room temp even water. We get done and head home, I take my first drink of water and my tung goes numb. Guess they were right.

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