The Editor Has Quit!

Yes the wife can't stands it anymore and has resigned her post as editor.
So if you find a typo that really bugs you send and email or comment.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Rules of Rejection

And now for the next chapter in our story...

After a while of attempting to date, Dan and I started to come up with rules to help deal with rejection. When you have a low self esteem rejections is the enemy. And so:

1) All women are insane. This is not meant to be an insult, but rather a fact. See women don't think like men and since the playing field is the male mind "All women are insane". This also works for women, at least the basic argument. All men are insane because they don't think like women. Regardless, it no longer is about me pleasing them but weather I want to deal with there insanity. It goes from a me based relation to a them based relation.

2) Never ever, ever, I mean never; date a stripper! This also includes porn stars, prostitutes, and junkies. Why because these are self destructive people. Remember the end result of dating is a relationship and who wants to be in a relationship with a self destructive person when your trying to grow and improve yourself?

3) Keep your mouth shut stupid! Women pleaser's, geeks, nice guys, what ever you want to call us; have a tendency to talk a lot when we are nervous. Through out Psalms and Proverbs this idea is stated. I think one of them is "Even a fool is counted wise, if his lip he keeps shut." Trust me most girls don't want to know about your limited edition Batman watch with grappling hook.

4) Sex is not an option until your in an exclusive relationship where you both agree your ready. Paul put it this way"

1 Corinthians 7:8-9 "Now to the unmarried...if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion."

I have been unfortunate "to burn with passion," and fortunate to get married before. Trust me the later is way better.

5) All ways set up the next date before your current date is over. Because if she isn't into you she wont agree to another date. That mean set it up at the end of the date not the beginning.

In closing these rules only work for dating, once you know she's it get rid of them. Except for #4. And for #3, she will be comfortable by then to tell you to shut up.


Roger Garrett said...

I think you need a comma after the first "date". Right now it reads "while attempting to date Dan" Even though it is funny as all get out I don't think you were trying to date Dan. I also think you meant Stripper instead of Striper, I sure dating a fish would turn some heads but you could stay out fo the water long so dinner would be out of the questions. this post cracks me up, I should have had the rules in college.

Roger Garrett said...

Man both of our typing skills just suck. LOL have a good one man hope to see ya this weekend