The Editor Has Quit!

Yes the wife can't stands it anymore and has resigned her post as editor.
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't F#*&@$g Cuss!

The second area in which I am slipping is the mouth. As Jess can testify I am a master of the cussing medium. I think I learned it from my step father, who could incorporate people from the bible and made up words in a cussing rampage. That alone should be reason enough for me not to cuss. But lately I have just let them fly.

I started the cuss free mouth when I met Jen about three years ago. I knew she didn't like a foul mouth so I diligently worked on not cussing. And for about two and a half years I think she only heard about ten cuss words from me. I archived this characteristic by using fake cuss words like frick, crap, heck, frell, darn, and gosh darn it. Then there are the ones I still don't see as cuss word like hell and dam, I mean there places not cussing; Jen doesn't like those as well so they got replaced.

Biblically there are two passages that get to the heart of the matter.

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.


Deuteronomy 5:11 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain...

Now Ephesians is not just talking about cussing, it says no corrupt communication. This is a broader concept, that incorporates any negative speech. Like gossip or insults or racist jokes (I mean politically incorrect jokes). As important as that is, the second half of the verse is more so, "but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minster grace unto the hearers." This is profound, instead of speaking negatively you should speak edifyinglly to spread grace unto all that can hear.

Now Deuteronomy just makes sense. I mean if you used your best friends name as a cuss word it would sound stupid and tick them off, "Bob dam it." How smart did that sound? No offense to all the Roberts out there. In this verse, God is not only asking us not to cuss but more importantly not to insult him. If he is the creator of all things, how self centered are we to disrespect him in this way!

Finally, although cussing can be very funny, it ultimately spreads negativity. And as a believer not only in God but also personal growth, how can I embrace such a habit?


Anonymous said...

Heck yeah! I mean, I totally agree. :) kidding about the first part.

But not only all of that, it just makes you sound stupid and ignorant to whoever hears you. If you are sharing the gospel with someone and the next day (or the next second) they hear you talking like that they are going to think you are a complete FAKE. Why would I think you are any different than the rest of the world if you sound just like everyone else? We are supposed to NOT conform to the world. God Himself has sanctified us! I know that's a big religious word but it means that we have been set apart from the world for something better. How are people supposed to know that if we don't act or sound like we are different? If our daily actions and words don't bring glory to God then our lives as a whole definitely don't. The truth is that we are called to so much more. And it's not that we are stuck up about it. It's the exact opposite. We are so HUMBLED by all that God has given us that we give our lives for Him. He saved our lives. When you truly understand and believe that then the only response left is to give your life back to Him. That's what it means in Romans when we are called to be "living sacrifices".

Alright I'm going to step down from the pulpit this morning. Wow, I need some coffee!

Anonymous said...

I say I struggle with that only when I am around just guys. For some weird reason my filter turns off and I can;t seem to get it to reconnect. Drives me crazy