The Editor Has Quit!

Yes the wife can't stands it anymore and has resigned her post as editor.
So if you find a typo that really bugs you send and email or comment.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jesus Loves This Guy! Weekly Charge Vol.10

Me and the wife found a T-shirt this weekend with the phrase "Jesus loves this guy!" on it. I now have it. I like the shirt for two reasons: 1) It's true, and 2) It's just a little bit conceded. I like things that make people think and this shirt does.

I saw the doctor yesterday and the news was mixed. My white count was low 1.18 and my red count was 500; both to low for chemo. So we decided to go back on neupogen this week.

While reviewing my case he said something interesting. He asked me when the last scan was done, to which I said sometime in March. As he was mumbling the CT back he said, "Nothing in the Liver and no new sites in the lymph glands."

I asked, "Nothing in the liver?"

He replied, "Yes."

I asked, "The PET scan in January showed sites in the liver, right?"

He replied, "Yes."

I asked, "And the CT in March shows no sites in the liver?"

He replied, "Yes."

I then asked, "So there's nothing in the Liver?"

He replied, "Yes."

He went on the say that we would be doing another PET scan this week but that things look really good. For those who (like me) are having a hard time understanding this, nothing in the liver is a really big thing! Especially when you consider that I had not had chemo for six weeks at the time of the CT.

Thus, "Jesus Loves This Guy!"

And thank you all for the prayers and thoughts, they are as much a part of this as all the meds and doctors.


Roger Garrett said...

Awesome news about your liver. Hope your ready to get your bacon on tonight

Anonymous said...

Dont forget to eat my bacon tonight also....
Hey we followed you and Jen out of church yesterday and I heard 2-3 people comment "hey did you see that guys shirt" You made a ripple effect on people's lives and didnt know it. Bro your story in your life is going to do that from here on out! Praise God bud!