The Editor Has Quit!

Yes the wife can't stands it anymore and has resigned her post as editor.
So if you find a typo that really bugs you send and email or comment.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Weekly Charge Vol.9

Well no chemo this week, my white count was 1.4 and my red count was 800. I'm on nuepogen again this week and Monday regardless of white count I'm going to have some chemo but not all of it.

Now for something completely different...

I was watching TV today and there was a commercial for
Lipoflavonoid. Now this is a real drug but the name just sounds like its made up. And no it has nothing to do with your lips or taste, its for your ears. I'm thinking of a new drug to make farts smell better, I'll call it labelsticka.


Roger Garrett said...

They already had that giy on the invertors show that had the activated charcoal underwear. But a pill would be nice. I always liked the alternative Viagra names like micoxafailen

Anonymous said...

make your farts smell better? I just fart in a perfume store. :)